Thursday, November 29, 2012

From the Mind of Michael: Church Attire

From the Mind of Michael is a small series of thoughts and observations from Michael, one of the Youth Group Leaders.  The views and opinions expressed here are solely that of Michael McCracken, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Loving Grace Alliance Church, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, or any one else for that matter.

Growing up, my mother always had her family dressed in Sunday best for church.  For me, that entailed a button down shirt, dress slacks, dark socks, dress shoes, and a clean jacket.  As I entered High School, the dress code was relaxed to "something that fit correctly and had no holes in it."  (Granted, I grew up in the 90's so, everything fashionable was three sizes too large and had holes in it...)  In college, I lived on campus, so I dressed myself.  The dress code was relaxed again to "something clean."

Now I am a parent, and I am supposed to set the example for my son.  I hadn't realized it, but I had been picking out button down shirts and slacks for my son for church.  My wife always laughs at me, because I will try to match my son.  Some days I am more successful at it than other days.

I do wonder, why do we put an emphasis on the clothes we wear to church?  The clothing we wear has no impact on whether we get saved or not.  The clothing we wear doesn't make God love us more or less.  The clothing we wear is not prescribed to us by the Bible or Jesus.  So, that begs the question, if it doesn't impact if I get saved, or the amount that God loves me, or commanded by Jesus or the Bible, then why do we put such emphasis on it?

I can accept that we have a built in desire to cover ourselves.  Adam and Eve covered themselves with leaves when they realized they were naked.  A few verses later, God covered them in animal skins.  I remember that King David wore sack-cloth when he was trying to be repentant.  I remember Jesus telling the disciples to carry only the clothes on their back when they began their missions trips.

Still, that doesn't answer my question.  Perhaps the desire Sunday best is to a way to outwardly show you are giving God your best.  I don't know for sure, but I would venture a guess that's where the desire comes from.  I wonder if wearing Sunday best became more of a tradition than a form of showing honor.  There are times when I come to church dressed in sock-less shoes, but I still wear the socks.  I can't say that those church services were more or less spiritual than the button down shirt, slacks, and dress socks services.

Anyway, just a random thought.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekly Announcements for 11/19/2012

Hi Everyone!

Lots of ground to cover today, so let's get right into this.  (I'll have a lesson recap posted later this week.  I have a lot going on from a personal stand point.)  

Church Cleaning

Youth Group will be helping once a month to help clean the church.  I am working through the final details with the Cleaning Committee, but we will be doing the general cleaning instead of a lesson once a month.  The cleaning will involve sweeping, vacuuming, emptying trash and recycling, cleaning bathrooms, and any spot mopping that may need to be done.

All of us need to help our church community.  Many hands make light work.  We can easily tackle this assignment if we get a good turn out to help.

We took a vote, and we have moved the date for Christmas party to December Friday, December 14th.  This date is the same date as the church sleep over.  In regards to the Christmas party, please bring a $5.00 gift to participate in the White Elephant gift exchange.  More information is on the "Parties and Events" page.

Please come see me if $5 is a concern.  I want everyone to be able to participate in the Youth Group activities.  I never want to see someone not participate in an activity over something as trivial as money.

Church Sleep-Over
The Church Sleep Over will be happening on Friday, Dec 14th.  We are still working on the times, but the date has been set.  Please bring $5.00 per attendee to help off-set the cost of drinks and snacks.

I am happy to announce that the church sleep over will be open to both boys and girls.  We have two women willing to watch the girls during the sleep over.  Valerie and Rosemary will be the women chaperons.   

Also, after much deliberation, the sleep-over will be inside.  Outside sleeping will NOT be an option for this event.  If the weather is pleasant enough, I will start a fire in the fire ring, but that's the extent of the planned outside activities.  The women will be sleeping up in Pastor Jim's office, and the men will be sleeping in the basement.

There is a lot more information is on the "Parties and Events" page.

That's it for now.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Weekly Announcements: 11/14/2012

Hi Everyone!

Let's jump right into the weekly announcements.

I am disappointed in myself.  October came and went, and the Youth Group did not organize a community service event.  Somehow, I lost all track of time, and now were are almost upon Thanksgiving...  Time moves waaaaay too fast this time of year.  With the feeling of lost time in mind, I have volunteered the Youth Group to help clean the church one Sunday a month.  Details will follow shortly.

Youth Group Christmas party is less than one month away!  The Youth Group Christmas party will be held on Sunday evening, December 9th, from 5:00-7:00 pm.  Everyone, please bring a $5.00 gift to participate in the White Elephant gift exchange.  More information is on the "Parties and Events" page.

Please come see me if $5 is a concern.  I want everyone to be able to participate in the Youth Group activities.  I never want to see someone not participate in an activity over something as trivial as money.

Church Sleep-Over
As an update, we have a potential candidate to be female Youth Group leader.  Everything is still in the early stage of this process, and I'm not giving out names just yet.  However, if all goes well, then the Church Sleep Over event will be open to both boys and girls.

I still want to have the boys/men sleep outside near the fire ring.  The girls will not be subjected to that experience.  The girls will be sleeping inside of the church.   However, if the weather is expected to be poor, then the boys/men will be sleeping inside of the church.

I am tentatively scheduling the Church Sleep Over for Friday, Dec 14th.  The plan should be finalized by Youth Group this Sunday, so stay tuned for more details.

That's it for now.


Monday, November 12, 2012

From the Mind of Michael: Candy Canes

(From the Mind of Michael is a small series of thoughts and observations from Michael, one of the Youth Group Leaders.  The views and opinions expressed here are solely that of Michael McCracken, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Loving Grace Alliance Church, the Christian and Missionary Alliance... or any one at all.)

Due to my attraction for candy canes, cheap prices, and my son's unusual sleep schedule, I found myself in Wal-Mart this morning at 7:00 am.  Yes, candy canes.  The simple candy that I crave for about two months a year, is now available at my local Wal-Mart.  I noticed candy canes were available in Joann Fabric last evening, so I figured that if candy canes were already popping up in fabric stores, then Wal-Mart should be stocking them by now, too.

I cannot explain why I like candy canes so much.  I can tell you that I like the original peppermint.  I've tried the different brands and different flavors, and some of them were tasty,  But when I go to the store, I prefer the standard, red and white, peppermint candy canes.

It's kind of strange, really.  I don't really like peppermint gum, or peppermint and chocolate flavored after dinner-mints, or those little round peppermint candies.  (I do like peppermint hot cocoa, but I think that falls under the "I like Hot Cocoa" category.)  There's just something about peppermint candy canes that I really like.

I did some thinking on this before, and I think it goes back to my childhood.  I remember going to the store with my parents to get candy canes for Christmas and my birthday.  Christmas and my birthday were always happy times, and I remember only be able to get candy canes around that time of year.  I also remember going to place called Chestnut Ridge Park outside of Buffalo, NY for their Christmas hay-ride and Santa Claus sing-a-long attraction.  Hot cocoa, red and green sugar cookies, and candy canes were prominent there.  (Oddly enough, I really like all three of those things.)

Anyway, my inclination was correct.  Christmas candy is already lining the Seasonal aisle of Wal-Mart.  Red, Green, and white packaging was abundant.  And, on the shelves, were rows of candy canes.  Brach's seemed to be ahead of the game this year.  Lots of their stuff was front and center.  The normal brand of Bob's was nowhere to be found.  Still, no matter, I found the candy canes.

A box of the 65-count mini candy canes now sits in my truck.  However, only 64 candy canes and 1 (now) empty wrapper are present.  I do like to share my candy canes as much as I like to eat them.  So, I will be bringing them to church on Sunday, (or the ones that make it to Sunday).  Feel free to ask me for one.

That's all for now.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Weekly Update: 11/06/2012

Hi Everyone,

We had a great turn out Sunday evening for the first Youth Group bonfire.  A huge thank you to Frank and Jake Delaney, as they spent a lot of time and effort into building the fire pit with me on Saturday and Sunday.  We did a Bible discussion, roasted marshmallows, and played a few games outside.  We were outside for the entire meeting time, and Everyone had a good time.  I hope to have a few more bonfires between now and the end of the year, so keep your ears open for any bonfire announcements.

Can you believe that the Youth Group Christmas party is one month and three days away?  That's right.  The Youth Group Christmas party will be held on Sunday evening, December 9th, from 5:00-7:00 pm.  Everyone, please bring a $5.00 gift to participate in the White Elephant gift exchange.  More information is on the "Parties and Events" page.

Attention Youth Group Girls!!!  We will need a female Youth Leader in the very near future.  (Read the next paragraph, and you'll see why.)  Youth Group is still looking for a second woman Youth Group Leader.  We've been looking now for two or three months, and we aren't any closer to finding a second Youth Group Woman Leader.  Please contact any of the Youth Group Leaders with your suggestion.

I am tentatively scheduling a Youth Group activity sometime between Dec 14th and Dec 21.   I am hoping to have a sleep over at the church during that time.  If the weather allows, we will be camping outside.  As of right now, this will be an all-boys event, unless we find a woman who would be willing to sleep over at the church and watch the girls.  For safety and security reasons, if there are only male Youth Group Leader(s) available for the sleep over, then only the boys will be sleeping over.

That's it for now.  My, how time flies...
