Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Youth Group Game: Tiger Tail

Hi Everyone,

Last week, we played a new game called "Tiger Tail".  The game, "Underground Church" was becoming a little reckless, so we needed a new game that would allow us to run around and be crazy.  After two weeks of development, Tiger Tail was born.  Here are the rules:

Name: Tiger Tail
People Needed: 6 or more, with 1 Youth Group Leader Leader/Adult
Equipment: 2 bandanas or strips of cloth; One large room with easy access to the light switch.
Duration: 5 – 6 minutes per game

Background Story:  There is a high bounty for Tiger Tails.  A group of Hunters have hired a Medic, and they are out on a Tiger Tail hunt.  The only things stopping the Hunters are the Game Warden, and the wits and speed of the Tiger. 

Set Up:  Designate one person to be the Tiger.  Have them stick one of the bandanas in their back pocket, so that it sticks out like a Tail.  Designate one person to be the Medic.  Tie their bandana around their bicep or forearm (arm).  The rest of the Youth are Hunters.  The Youth Group Leader/Adult is the Game Warden/Time Keeper.  

Start Up:  The Game Warden/Time Keeper turns the lights off and on every two minutes.  When the lights are off, that is Night Time.  When the lights are on, that is Day Time.  The game starts at Night Time.  The Hunters and Medic leave the room while the Tiger finds a place to hide.  When the Tiger is ready, the Hunters and Medic are brought back in, and the game begins. 

Hunter Rules:  Hunters can get the Tiger Tail at any time.  The Hunters win when a Hunter gets the Tiger Tale without the Game Warden seeing.  If the Tiger tags you at night, you need to wait for the Medic to revive you.  A tagged Hunter sits down immediately and cannot call for help.  A revived Hunter waits until the start of the next phase to come back into the game.  (Night to Day or Day to Night.) Hunters are allowed to screen the Game Warden to block his view.  Hunters do not need to worry about the Game Warden at Night.

Medic Rules:  Medics cannot get tagged by the Tiger.  Medics cannot get the Tiger Tail.  Medics must always walk.  (You’re carrying a lot of medical supplies.)  Medics revive tagged Hunters by tagging them.  Medics can revive Hunters at Night or Day.

Tiger Rules:  Tigers can lose their tails at any time.  The Tiger wins if he tags all Hunters in one night, or if he still has his tail at the end of the game.  The Tiger can only tag Hunters at Night.  The Tiger can touch the Hunters during the day, but the Hunter continues as normal.  The Tiger can try to use speed or ambush tactics to tag the Hunters during the Night.  The Tiger is not protected by the watchful eye of the Game Warden at Night.  

Game Warden Rules: The Game Warden can walk around or sit in one spot.  During the Day Time, if the Warden sees a Hunter get a Tiger Tail, the Hunter must return the Tiger Tail, and the game continues.  (The Tiger still has his tail.)  The Game Warden is not a factor at night.  The Game Warden can be screened by Hunters during the day.  The Game Warden cannot be tagged by the Tiger.

Additional Notes:
- The Game Warden/Time Keeper can give a ten second count down before switching from Day to Night and Night to Day.  (This makes for some really frantic last second chases.)
- Always have some sort of dim lighting in the room, so that the Youth aren't crashing into each other.
- If you have enough Youth, you could have multiple Tigers.  At that point, a second Game Warden becomes a "Medic" for the Tigers.
- While there is nothing stopping a Tiger from standing in front of a Game Warden during the day, the Hunters will constantly be trying to screen the Game Warden.  Plus, the Tiger needs to be careful when night time rolls around...

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