Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weekly Announcements for 8/21/2012

Good Evening Everyone!

It's time for the Loving Grace Alliance Youth Group Weekly Announcements.  Let's get started.

This Wednesday, Suzanne Williams will be speaking at the Youth Group.  Suzanne is our church's secretary, and she is definitely a Godly woman.  Suzanne has a wonderful relationship with God, and I know that tomorrow will be an interesting, exciting, and Godly message.  Please come out, and hear what God has laid upon Suzanne's heart.

Starting on Sunday, September 9th, the weekly meeting day and time will change.  The meeting will move to Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00pm.  Announcements will continue to go out to remind everyone.

This Saturday, Ed Webster is holding a Yard Sale at the Berlin Farmers' Market.  If anyone is able to help out, please let one of the Youth Group Leaders know.  The start time is at 7:00am, and we close up at 3:00pm or when we run out of stuff to sell.  If you cannot attend, please lift up a prayer for the church building fund.

Speaking of the new building, we had the announcement in Church last Sunday that we will be leasing the new building starting October 1!  Holy Cow!  This is happening fast.  I'm really excited.  We, as in the Youth Group, will need to roll up our sleeves and get dirty, as we will be asked to help out to get the building ready.  We will be asked to help with yard work, such as pulling weeds and picking up sticks in the yard.  We will be asked to help clean the inside, such as sweeping, vacuuming, and scrubbing.  There is A LOT of work to do in the building, but we will be reaping many benefits from the new location.  First and foremost, we will have a designated Youth Group spot.  Right now, the plan is that the spot will be a shared space with Front Line Ministries, but it'll be right next to the kitchen, so good times.  With that spot, we'll be able to set up couches, chairs, lighting, games spots, and hold parties.

Speaking of parties, last Saturday, we had a game day.  Good times were had by all.  For those of you that missed it, we played on two wii's.  That's right, we set up wii's on both of the projectors.  We played the marshmallow throwing game.  Louie (not sure on the spelling.  Jake's friend) is the August Flag Tag champion.  He was the first person to win two matches.  Jake came in second.  We had pizza and Coke.  We set up an obstacle course and timed ourselves.  Walt Cromwell and I ran the course, too.  (We have rug burns as our battle scars.)  We also played a couple of games of Battle-Dice (Also known as Seven-Dice).  It was a good time.  I hope everyone can make the next game day.

Anyway, that's all for now.  I have a few more updates, but I want to get these announcements up.


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