Sorry for the delay in the weekly announcements. I've been sick the past couple of days. I'm still not up to full strength, but I'm improving. Anyway, onward to the weekly announcements!
I missed Sunday's Youth Group Meeting due to illness. I haven't had a chance to talk with Ron or Val about how everything went. The next time I am at the Youth Group, I will be doing some lessons on apologetics. I was asked to do a lesson or two on this topic before we broke for summer. To be honest, I am not very strong on apologetics, yet this is a very important topic for Christians to know and understand. I'm taking this opportunity to learn apologetics and relay what I find to the Youth Group. I am interested at the thought of what I might find.
On Saturday, September 29th, the Berlin Fall Festival will take place from 10:00am to 4:00pm on Broad Street in Berlin. LGAC will have a table with Operation: Christmas Child on display, invitations to our church's Open House on October 28th, and a sand art craft for kids to do. As the Youth Group, we should have a presence at the table, if nothing more than to help out and promote LGAC.
I admit that I haven't been very good at promoting the church community service projects. I think this topic is well over due for action. Fall is upon us, and soon we'll be socked in for winter. Bring your ideas, because I guarantee you will not like my ideas...
We're looking for a new woman Youth Group Leader to join the Youth Group Leader team. Right now, Val Cromwell is the only woman on the Group Leader team, and she could use some support. So, if you know anyone who would like to help out at the Youth Group, please have that person talk with Pastor Jim and Ron for consideration.
I did some house keeping on the website. I changed some things around, and I think I made some improvements. Thoughts and comments are appreciated.
That's all for now.
That's all for now.
Hannah is taking and answers in Genesis apologetics class in co-op on Fridays this semester. Maybe she could help you out!