Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday 7/02 Announcements

Good Morning Everyone,

Happy Monday to all of you.  This is the only announcement from yours truly this week.  So without further ado, let's get right into the Monday Announcements and Prayer Requests.

This Wednesday, the Youth Group will NOT be meeting.  Go enjoy July 4th.  We will be meeting next Wednesday July 11th, so see you then.

Speaking of next Wednesday, I am pleased to announce our special guest speaker for July 11th: Worship Leader, Ed Webster!  Yay!  Ed always brings a lot of energy and insight to our Sunday service.  I am excited that his chaotic schedule calmed down enough for him to come spend an evening with us.  So, come on out, bring a friend, and let's hear what the Good Lord has Ed speak about.

Also on July 11th, I will be asking all of you for Community Service ideas.  We, as the Youth group, should have an active role in helping our community and our church families.  Community Service could be fund raising or volunteering.  I would like for us to have at least one Community Service idea ready by the start of September.  Bring your thinking caps for next Wednesday!

Start memorizing this month's Verse of the Month!  I will not be in church this Sunday, but starting July 15th, I will asking all of you for the Verse of the Month.  One Youth Group member has a pass for the month, but everyone else is fair game.

My prayers go out to TW's family, as he had a recent loss.  Thankfully, the individual was saved, so he went home to be with our Lord.  Still, there is that pain and longing that all of us experience when a loved one is called home, so I ask we all pray for God's mighty hand to comfort the family during this time.

On a personal note, Congratulations to Nate for coming in second in his High School graduating class.  Being Saludictorian is always a high honor.  I actually remember my Saludictorian gave a better graduation speech than the Valedictorian.


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