Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekly Announcements for 7/30/2012

Happy Monday Everyone!

The Church picnic was yesterday at Camp FAC.  Great times, great weather, great memories.  It's days like yesterday that we can say we are truly blessed to have a great church family.  The power of a church family is really shown at picnics where the members can hang out, eat food, swim, and, most importantly, see baptisms.  Here are a few points about baptisms.  A baptism is an outward symbol of what has already happened in a person's heart.  It's important to remember that being saved is based upon your relationship with Jesus Christ.  A baptism is only an action to show others that you have already received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Can you believe that August 1 is this Wednesday?  It amazes me how quickly time flies.  I've been told that time goes faster as you get older.  I'm starting to believe that bit of advice.  Anyway, here's what we have going on for the week.

Some of the Church Leaders are meeting tomorrow night to discuss how each ministry will fit into the new building.  Ron Cochran is going to represent the Youth Group.  I will try to be there, but I have an evening dentist appointment, and I don't know what time I will be done.  So all of you are aware, the different ministries are; Worship (music), Front Line, Childrens', Youth Group, and Adult Sunday service.  Really, out of all of the different ministries, the Youth Group is the most flexible as to where we meet and what we need.

Ideally, I would like to have a room for the Youth Group.  I would like to have couches, chairs, end tables, lamps, and a TV for us to use as a hang out spot.  I envision the Youth Group to become a hang out spot.  A place where everyone can feel relaxed and welcomed.  Right now, the church has limited funds allocated to the Youth Group, so we've been doing what we can, where we can.  I think we've been doing fairly well for
ourselves, given our resources.  Still, we can dream...

This Wednesday, Ted Webster will be coming out to speak on integrity.  Ted is one of the church's advisory board members, and he is one of our elders as well.  Ted has a real passion for God, and his messages are always engaging.  I encourage everyone to come out and hear what God has laid on Ted's heart to share with the Youth Group.

That's all we have planned for this week.  Kind of a quiet next couple of weeks as we are in the middle of summer.  See you Wednesday.


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